Child Therapy

Play therapy is a frequently used and trusted clinical intervention for children in therapy. According to the National Institute of Health, “Play therapy is defined as the systematic use of a theoretical model that establishes an interpersonal process, in which trained therapists use the therapeutic power of play to help children prevent or resolve psychosocial difficulties and achieve optimal growth.” National Institutes of Health,, Dec 22, 2021

Play therapy is child-directed, meaning that kids call the shots! They choose from a variety of toys and/or games, from puppets and doll houses to board games and creative activities. The only rule is that they are physically safe during therapy.

Because children communicate and learn most effectively through play, it is effectively used in therapy to process a wide range of emotions and life circumstances that they are experiencing. The therapist’s role during play therapy is to observe the play, remain curious, and help the child (and caregivers/parents, when appropriate) to understand their emotions and process them in healthy and constructive ways. Occasionally, children get stuck in unsettling, patterned play, often due to unresolved emotions around their lived experiences. In these cases, a therapist intentionally and carefully intervenes in the play, creating potential for additional emotional healing for the child.

Play therapy encourages healthy development in children while being fun!



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